Old vs New – What’s Your Pleasure?

Jaguar is a renowned car manufacturer with British roots. They wowed the world in the 1960s with the introduction of the E-Type. They were derived from the Lemann winning D-type with beautiful continuous lines and open-top experience. Enzo Ferrari even described it as the most beautiful car ever made. The E-type is a classic car today and is very expensive, and it’s hard to find one for sale.

Porsche is another car company known for race and road cars alike. They produce fast machines with mid and rear-engine coupes being attractive for younger markets. Their race cars are known for their low centre of gravity and quick acceleration with the best handling capabilities.

Porsches and Jaguars were the epitome of luxury and adventure in the 60s and 70s for their adventurous looks and advertisements for people who like speed and the wind in their faces. Two-seater optioning attracted young men to purchase the cars. They are linked with well-known car brands with racing heritages that make the vehicles unique.


As the 21st-century rolls on, governments worldwide are pushing for cleaner and renewable energy sources that more likely will replace carbon-producing machines. Vehicle manufacturers and companies are also in a rush to produce the best electrical vehicle and be the first to have production lines and great market shares. Electrical vehicles are being popularized for their efficiency and more importantly the lack of engines. The engines have been replaced with batteries and motors that produce the same power and torque as petrol and diesel engines.

The cars become more silent and lighter and include more space with the lack of an engine or large gearbox. They however come with their challenges and restrictions. Not everything about the renewability and energy-conscious nature of these vehicles is perfect as of yet.


The range of the cars is of course severely compromised and a sector in which the manufacturers and companies are fighting over domination. The lack of an engine and fuel tank shortens the distance to which the vehicle can travel. The battery capacity determines how far and how long high speed and low speed can be maintained. Going faster drains the battery faster. To go further, however, would require a greater amount of batteries to be installed which increases the weight of the car thus consuming even more power to move the large mass of batteries weighing the car down and thus becoming inefficient.

Charging the batteries also has become an issue with the requirement of time to fully charge the car and the disparity in distance and location of charging spots and locations. The car battery might deplete before being in the range of a charging location. The voltage of a charging port also determines how long it would require the car to be fully charged.

New Competition

The electric vehicle industry has also seen the growth of unknown entities such as Tesla, Rivian, and Lucid which has introduced a new blend of cars. These brands have relatively short histories of vehicle manufacturing as compared to Jaguar, Porsche, Ferrari, BMW, and Mercedes. However, they are pulling ahead with electric car enthusiasts as the younger generation has no prior commitment to the history of old. As the old brands strive to keep their legacies and become electric at the same time, the new car generations and companies are creating new methods and designs in comfort, speed and luxury. 

This competition has ultimately yet to be decided, with each trying to keep the heritage new and old within their customer lists. Getting an electric jaguar comes with the brand name and legacy of the previous generations, but a new Lucid Air is faster, more comfortable, more expensive (and therefore to some people, a more obvious statement piece), and more electric. 


Famous brands are trying to reproduce their famous line cars like the 911s and the F-type, with the most obvious example being the BMW i8. Manufacturers obviously hope that  by making them electric they themselves will again become trendy and become relevant in this new era. For an enthusiast, classic cars will always remain the epitome of manufacturing, and yes, even those vehicles without any modern safety features are becoming more and more desirable each day when compared to the silent whine and electronic artificial exhaust roars of modern cars.

Stopping at a gas station will soon be a thing of the past and fuel guzzlers will be frowned upon in the next generation. For us who experienced the combustion engine era, this could be a sign of the end times. Or it could be seen as the beginning of the ultra-modern, all-electric motor era.

Written by Stephen Taylor, Propaganda CEO

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